Jesus-Saves-All Website Spreads CU Message

My name is Harold Samson, creator of the website, ask me anything via email at There I was spreading the Gospel of Christian Universalism on a Discord server, which is as such, believe in Jesus with faith alone (Eph 2:8) and be saved permanently (Rom 5:1).

Suddenly, I received a direct message from a gay teenager who comes from an atheist household, who I love as the Lord loves.

03/07/2023 2:30 PM can.of.soup said “I read some of the things you’ve said in the server and it’s not like what I’ve heard other Christian’s say, so I was hoping to better educate myself”

February 2023, I won an email giveaway for a free Bible. I came on March 14 2023 Tuesday to the Amazon Pickup locker and could not access it. I needed an ID, so I emailed my friend Jeff Martin, and he provided. I showed her a screenshot of our friendship, and she was convinced, so I picked it up. March 16 2023. 3 16 2023.

On the Aionian Bible’s back cover was the verse John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have aionian life”. On the exact same date.

aionian (Greek) = eternal = αἰώνιον (aiōnion) = Adjective – Accusative Feminine Singular = Strong’s 166: From aion; “pertaining to an age”, related to olam (Hebrew) = ם לָ֣ וֹעלְ (lə·‘ō·w·lām) = Preposition-l | Noun masculine singular = Strong’s 5769:

Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

We are in the age of sin, and we will all go to age free of sin. The Blood of Christ washes away all transgressions. (Col 1:19-20).

03/16/2023 11:40 PM can.of.soup said “That is truly spectacular!! It must be fate, it must!!! I really want to thank you for spreading gods message, if it wasn’t for you going through discord servers and facing what I can only describe is borderline verbal abuse, you have found me and you have helped me!! I think I can say, with my full chest, I truly believe in Jesus Christ!”

Luke 15:32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.

I am honored and humbled that I was given this special opportunity to lead them to the Lord. (Rom 1:16). This was only possible thanks to Universal Reconciliation, in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Cor 15:22).

can.of.soup tells me in 2022, one of their best friends moved away, and the day they accepted Jesus Christ, they found they were moving back. Their bad luck turned good, and many of their mental issues were resolved. The Comforter, the Advocate, the Ruach Adonai

Holy = Ἅγιον (Hagion) = Adjective – Nominative Neuter Singular = Strong’s 40: Set apart by (or for) God, holy, sacred. From hagos; sacred.

Spirit = Πνεῦμα (Pneuma) = Noun – Nominative Neuter Singular = Strong’s 4151: Wind, breath, spirit.

The Holy Spirit is now in them (John 14:26), and it shall be in all. (1 Cor 15:22-28). As my friend FineLinen says “All = All”. No exceptions 🙂 (Phi 3:20-21).

What is the fruit of the false doctrine of endless torment? (Jam 3:18) Certainly not evangelism (Acts 13:47), nor comfort (Psalm 23:4).

I told this to my friend Larry, and those on Tentmaker, so I tell this to you to share in these blessings. My website is dedicated to cataloguing miracles like this. For too long, the neck of the world has been strangled by the erroneous belief of forever conscious torment. It’s not biblically sound. No loving God would torture people forever!

PSALM 103:8-14 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever.

Around when I created my website, I had a dream with a Cherub (Eze 10:1). The head of a lion (Rev 4:6) which said “ALL PEOPLE” (2 Tim 3:16), the head of an ox (Eze 1:10) which spoke “ALL CREATION”. (Col 1:15-21). My hands I use to type these words, these arms, I felt them embracing the Lord in a hug.

Truly I tell you, we must spread the Victorious Gospel. There are those who, on various Christian Forums, debate people who support the incorrect belief of endless torture and that is good, I do this too (Phi 4:6). I tell you all though, we must also tell those who haven’t even heard of Universal Reconciliation to begin with (1 The 4:13)!

I almost committed suicide at the age of 12. I hopped over the blue staircase railing at the top floor of my elementary school, I was close to falling to the basement floor, when a group of Grade 8 students rushed in and yelled to stop and that what I was doing was dangerous. If it wasn’t for fate, where would I be now? My life beyond that point is borrowed time. If I live or die, I am of the Lord. (Rom 14:8).

May 14th 2017 was my salvation date. I simply believed in Christ (Jam 2:23). As the Holy Ghost was in) me (Acts 1:8), I fell to my knees on the basement floor and cried tears of joy. A huge wave of relief passed over me (Rom 8:15-18). My younger sister also cried tears of joy when I showed her the Victorious Gospel, that Christ saves all. “I love that… it’s just love” she said. (1 Cor 13:8).

After, she told me that nihilism has plagued her high school, a teacher gets students to read books on absurdism (2 Pet 2:1). Many of these children want to kill themselves, like I did. That is a world without Christianity, therefore Christ came to save the world. (John 1:9).

he forces of evil are brutal (Mat 7:15). When typing Christian Universalist Bible verses, my TV screen burned out like blood. Another time, two men in black leather jackets pulled their red car in front of my house, my mother, my sister and I were the only one’s here and think I heard them say “We are looking for him”. I was the only male in the household.

To participate in Hope for All Fellowship’s Zoom Calls, I called Gerry Beauchemin, but between calls there was a natural disaster, an official warning of extreme cold, so cold, I couldn’t feel my fingers and my phone battery died. I ran through the streets, payphone to payphone, all their wires cut. The Devil stole 50 cents from me!

I also run in the winter spreading “truths”, as I call them. Handwritten tracts which read something along the lines of “A Bible Verse like Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. Then… Believe in Christ with faith alone and be permanently saved. Christian Universalism. And my website link.” On my site is my email where you can ask me anything you want my friends 😀 I handed these truths to people in-person, taping them to street poles and leaving After, she told me that nihilismthem around.

I have been physically assaulted before. Slammed against the wall he rapidly punched me in quick succession, while I cried and put my arms up to block. Everyone around stood motionless, shocked. I love him, I forgive him, as Christ forgives all. Because of this kindness I showed, they are now living a better life. Though, I don’t always let myself get beat up, one time I man stopped his car, jumped out yelling “HEY!” and I immediately ran for dear life. Though I know I’m saved, and I have no worry about dying (Ecc 12:7), if I get killed, I can’t spread the Gospel now. As I rested on the stairs, a person came up to me and spat directly on my face and I love them <3 Some say “I don’t care” but Christ will always care for you. (1 Cor 12:25). I’ve been betrayed by my close friends, a case where my email was hacked, I was impersonated and falsely accused of wrongdoings I did not do, and I forgive and love them all <3

“What’s the point of spreading the Universal Reconciliation Gospel if everyone will be saved anyways” my sister asked me, out of simple curiosity. My answer? Because the pain people feel when not learning the truth is real. I self-harmed myself, literally beating myself up, I’ve bled for days. My blood cannot save me, only the Lamb’s blood. (Act 20:28). I suffered mental anguish from scrupulosity, an intense religious fear, a type of OCD. (1 John 4:18) I would cry out of survivor’s guilt. Why am I saved and not my family members? Not my friends? How can I be happy in Heaven in if they are separated from me? This is why Annihilationism / Conditional Immorality is false too. Our God is a winner! He will save 100% of 100% of His Sheep. (Luke 15:4).

After confirming the Zoom meeting time with Gerry, on that day, the alarm rang. Behold, the fire department, it’s truck and fire fighters, came into my house. The stove, which we were using to bake cookies for my sister’s friends, burst out smoke. Our house could have burned to the ground. But the Lord upholds us (Isa 41:10). Later, a letter in my house’s mailbox appeared with “Gerry” written on the front and “Ask about Cherub” I think on the back. A reference which Larry knows.

And my sister, please I humbly ask you all to pray for her safety (Mat 7:7). She is a young believer in the faith. Her former crush does weed and cocaine, the latter an illegal drug in Canada. They tempt her to drink alcohol then she’s legally below the drinking age! She is at risk of getting sexually assaulted, she’s a minor, she’s a child! She says “No” they say “Why not” and out of peer pressure drag her to events. She agrees with us, she admits when she’s wrong and we forgive her, we love her. We show her kindness (Rom 15:2). And yet there are those who slander my family online.

Luke 6:22 Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.

I have committed many many sins in the past, and I ask for forgiveness (Mark 11:25), as I believe in Christ to be washed by His blood (Mat 26:28), who died on the cross and resurrected 3 days later, fully paying for the wages of all sin, which is death. (Rom 6:23). If endless torture or conditional immortality is true, then how did Christ rise? Mental temporary anguish is the consequence sinners face (Jer 32:27), as eventually they will accept God’s mercy and the light of the cross will shine across all. (Psalm 103:22).

What of those who die without believing in Christ? They will remain in Sheol, until they too eventually believe in Jesus and gain permanent life, all will. (1 Sam 2:6). Even the deepest part of the pit, Tartarus, will be emptied, and all creation saved. (2 Peter 2:4).

Luke 23:34 Of those who crucified Him Jesus asked: “Father forgive them; for they know not what they do.

And despite all my suffering, truly I have a great smile on my face as I type this. Christian Universalism is the true good news, for absolutely everybody! (Rom 8:20). The perfect happy ending. (John 12:32).

Ephesians 1:10-11 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. Psalm 145:3-17 The Lord upholds all those who fall

To you fallen angels, you demons, you will have faith in Jesus and be saved. Truly, the Lord can suddenly appear and convince the whole world, but He works in ages, in aions. Even the demons know God is One. (Jam 2:19). Everything that is happening in the world, climate change, World War 3, pandemics, civil wars, it is to convince those spirits to believe too (Heb 8:11).

To you Satan I tell you, the one who has tormented me so, even you will become a believer in Christ and be saved. And let us see each other face-to-face in New Jerusalem and rejoice in our cleanliness by the Holy Ghost 😀 (Dan 7:27).

Rev 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Michael Van Ness

    the revealed word of personal revelation and dream must agree with the recorded spoken word of God, Jesus himself said in Revelation 20:10; And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.
    Since my Lord and Savior Jesus said this I believe it dreams and visions are not the word of YHVH, IF the dream, vision, or revelation does not agree with the record words of our Savior, then the dream or interpretation of the dream is off and should be discounted. I mean we all miss the mark and we only see in part and know in part but when Jesus returns in the sky and we are caught up to forever be with the Lord, we shall know all things, untill then. do not fall into the pride trap of the devil and believe you are the one who hears from the Lord and only what you have been “shown is true”

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