CUA Office Remains Open

For those caring for loved ones, you are in our prayers. For those stuck at home going stir-crazy, think of this as a great time to study. Since the CUA was formed after the invention of the Internet, we’ve always been working from home—no mater who was the public face of the CUA at the time. You can still sign-up for courses, get assistance for your congregation, apply for ordination, renew chaplain endorsements, or whatever typical services you need from the CUA front office. We’re eager to help you make the most of these weird times. 

Everything here is continuing more-or-less as usual; things just aren’t happening as quickly as they have for the last year or two. For example, we’re running a day or two behind on emails and returning phone calls. And physical mailings are not getting sent-out as quickly as usual. But if you’ve been waiting longer than a couple of days, for anything, please, telephone-in, and let us know we’ve missed something, or that we need to track some missing paperwork. All our contact info is on the website, including phone numbers; so please do help us keep on top of things.

On behalf of our board, our clergy, and our staff; may the grace and peace of our Lord and Savior be with you & yours.

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