Note: Some of the articles listed below are by individual authors. Such articles may contain their own personal opinions and ideas, which are not necessarily shared by the CUA as a whole or by all CUA members.
- What Is the Difference between Christian Universalism and Unitarian Universalism?
- Is the Christian Universalist Association Right for Me?
- God Never Gives Up — Not Ever! by Charles Slagle. Some of the basic concepts of Christian Universalism, based on the Bible.
- Beyond the “Hell” Issue: beyond-hell/Universalism as Christian Universalist Comprehensive View of Spiritual Reality by Rev. Eric Stetson.
- The History of Universalism. This long two-part article discusses important individuals, church movements and groups throughout history that have believed in the Universalist Gospel, from the time of Jesus to the present day.
- The Salvation Conspiracy: How Hell Became Eternal by Dr. Ken R. Vincent.
- Where Have All the Universalists Gone? by Dr. Ken R. Vincent. After disappearing as a separate denomination, Universalism is experiencing a rebirth among many types of Christians.
- The Awesome Power of Apparent Insignificance in Religious History by Rev. Dr. John Morgan. Excerpts from an inspirational lecture given at the 1990 Universalist Convocation.
- The CUA: Building a Unique and Historic Spiritual Movement
- Founding Board Meeting of the CUA, May 16-17, 2007, Washington, D.C. Includes photos of participants and the historic Universalist church where it took place.
- CUA Historical Milestones. The history of the CUA in bullet points.
- CUA Leaders from Founding to Present. Contains a chronological list all people who have ever served on the CUA Board of Directors, what positions they held and when, and their biographical information and photos.
- Christian Universalist Celebration 2008. Recap of the first annual conference of the CUA, held June 13-15, 2008, in Oklahoma City.
- Christian Universalist Celebration 2009. Recap and videos of the second annual conference of the CUA, held November 6-8, 2009, in Nashville, Tennessee.
- Christian Universalist Celebration 2010. Recap and videos of the third annual conference of the CUA, held October 22-24, 2010, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Church and Evangelism:
- Universalism Today: Reflections of a Traveling Universalist by Rev. Kalen Fristad. The founding Chair of the CUA describes his three-year evangelism tour of the United States and the great receptivity he found in diverse types of churches to the teaching of Christian Universalism.
- Lord, Let Us Be One! by Rev. Eric Stetson. The founding Executive Director of the CUA calls upon all Christians — especially those who believe in the teaching of universal reconciliation — to unite and work together to share the Gospel of God’s all-inclusive love, regardless of differences of denomination or personal doctrines.
- Reinvigorating the “Mainstream” Church: How to Fill the Pews with a New Generation of Christians by Rev. Eric Stetson.
- Universalism: A Do-Nothing Faith? Why Universalists Should Have a Sense of Urgency and a Plan of Action by Rev. Eric Stetson.
Theological Perspectives:
- Spiritual Abuse as Child Abuse! by Boyd C. Purcell. Positive vs. abusive ways of talking to children about God.
- Loving Mother Kills Her Young Children by Boyd C. Purcell. How the fear of hell drove Andrea Yates to murder her children.
- The Littlest Duck by Charles Slagle. A touching story illustrating the Divine Love that saves all.
- The Universalist TULIP by John Licitra. An alternative version of the TULIP acronymn of Five Point Calvinism, based on the Bible’s true message about God’s plan of salvation.
- Born of God — Really? by John Gavazzoni. Human beings are truly the children of God, in more than just a metaphorical sense.
- The God Who Becomes by John Gavazzoni. God is ever-growing, like a family — and all are welcome at God’s family table!
- Theosis: The Fusion of Man/Woman and God? by Ángel F. Sánchez Escobar. Explores the concept of divinization of the soul as discussed in the writings of early Church Fathers.
- The Body of Christ: A Universalist Perspective on Divine Manifestation and Human Destiny by Rev. Eric Stetson. A long article presenting theories about the nature of God, the relationship between God and humanity, and the meaning of concepts such as the “Son of God” and “Body of Christ” for human origin and destiny.
- Mystical Religious Experiences and Christian Universalism by Dr. Ken R. Vincent. A discussion of mystical experiences throughout Christian history and in the present day, illustrating that such encounters with the Divine usually reveal a God of boundless love, not eternal damnation.
- Fred Phelps: The Most Effective Gay Rights Activist Ever? by Eric Stetson. By becoming a caricature of hate, the infamous anti-gay preacher Fred Phelps caused millions of people to decide that God loves everyone, even gay people.
- Born of the Spirit: The Offspring and Heirs of God” by Brad
Edwards – Originally on
Academic & Scholarly Articles:
- An 18th Century Near-Death Experience: The Case of George de Benneville by Dr. Ken R. Vincent and Rev. Dr. John Morgan. A miraculous near-death vision that inspired a minister to teach universal salvation and face excommunication from the Calvinist church.
- Damned Nonsense: An Argument for Universalism by Rev. Ravi Holy. (Microsoft Word .doc format). A detailed critique of all the alternatives to universal salvation, including annihilation of the wicked, Calvinism and Arminianism, etc.