Rev. Andrew Young is serving as chair of the board. Originally from central Texas, Andrew has been living in Tokyo, Japan since late 2017. Before being ordained by the Christian Universalist Association, Andrew served both UUA and UCC churches in various ministry capacities. He received his MA in Theological Studies from Austin Presybterian Theological Seminary. Andrew is currently the bivocational pastor of Community Universalist Church, an online Universalist Christian community. He is especially interested in theology, diversity, inclusion, eccumenicism, inter-religious dialogue, liturgy, and mysticism. Andrew feels especially called to help build bridges between the church and marginalized communities, especially those in the LGBT+ community.

Rev. Dr. Don Algeo Don is a rare book dealer, writer, and former philosophy professor. He was ordained through the CUA in 2016, and has since that time served as pastor of a Congregational UCC church in upstate New York. His interests include learning languages, weightlifting, and restoring old books to health.

Rev. Dr. Leonard “Fred” Howard, MD is an ordained minister of the Christian Universalist Association. His roots are deep in Georgia soil, being born and raised in Macon, attending Valdosta State College and the Medical College of Georgia, and then practicing medicine as a family physician in Cairo and Douglas for twenty years. In 2002 he heard the call to ministry, closing his medical practice and attending seminary at Emory’s Candler School of Theology.
For eleven years Fred served as minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Valdosta (2008 to 2018.) During those years he also worked with several nonprofit organizations. He served on the Board of Directors of Peacemakers, an organization that fosters world peace by teaching children ethical values common to all religions and denominations in a summer camp program, and the board of Project Harvest Hope (PHH), an organization that works with Unitarian congregations in Transylvania to promote sustainable economic development.
Fred has special interests in contemplative spirituality, mind body medicine, and interfaith and intercultural exchange. He has served on the ordination committee of the Christian Universalist Association since 2012.
He is author of Transforming Faith: Stories of Change from a Lifelong Spiritual Seeker, a collection of stories that were instrumental in Fred’s spiritual formation. Fred has also authored a mystery novel, Children of Covenant, and Nerdle the Turtle, a children’s book. He has three grown children, eight grandchildren, and currently resides in Jacksonville Florida.
Kyle Russell handls a range of tasks within the CUA, including Scribe for the Board of Directors, and IT consultant/lead for the CUA website. Kyle practiced law for a number of years, in private practice and as a corporate negotiator, including teaching law as an adjunct college professor, and then following a teaching opportunity for a year in Europe and Russia. After returning to the U.S., he retired from law practice and pursued his dream in IT. He holds an MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) in .NET programming, and now works for the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury as an IT Specialist, developing and implementing server monitoring systems. Kyle is married to “Maggie” Maloy, with their forever family of three merry rescue dogs, and a lively gaggle of grandkids, to all dote on. In his spare time Kyle is a devoted cinephile, fly-fisher, and animal enthusiast, studies theology, and chases dragons as a veteran online gamer.

Rev. William “Bill” Robinson III has a long history of teaching & preaching CU throughout the Rocky Mountain region; and enjoys Fraternal and Social activities throughout Colorado. He has an AB degree, from Princeton, a Master’s of Theology from Iliff Seminary, was licensed by the Universalist Church of America, was the Senior Minister of First Universalist Church of Denver, and has a Juris Doctor from the University of Denver. He holds ordination from both the CUA & the UU.
Michael J. Licata holds a BS in Economics from Norwich University, and an MBA from the University of North Dakota. A retired US Air Force Colonel, he earned numerous campaign and service medals. After retirement, he taught High School in New York City for 5 years, then started a part-time security consulting business. Michael lives in central New Jersey with his wife of 38 years. They have 2 married daughters, and 2 grandchildren.

Omar Miranda is currently working on a podcast as an expression of Christian faith and a Chaplain Candidate in the US Air Force Reserves. He was an AmeriCorps member of the Massachusetts Legal Assistance for self-sufficiency Program. Omar served out of the South Coastal Counties Legal Services in Hyannis, Massachusetts. Besides performing legal research, he conducted a study on Emergency Shelters and a state wide project on Limited English Proficiency. While working in AmeriCorps he briefly served as a board member of the Cape Cod Immigrant Center. He has written marketing plans as well as blogs related to social issues. And, has worked in government and is very interested in International relations as well as non-profit organizations.

Steven HAuse grew up in Bolivia as the child of evangelical missionaries. As an English language teacher, he has lived and taught in Bolivia, Spain, and Japan. He studied media production at Florida State University and often can be found working on various video projects. Steven is the creator of the YouTube channel Love Unrelenting, which focuses primarily on Christian universalism.
Rajan Hamid (or Raj as he likes to be called) was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Raj was introduced to God at a young age; with some of his earliest memories being of his family watching the classic film ‘Jesus’ (starring Brian Deacon) on VHS tape as a child.
Raj has now embarked on his life-mission to share God’s message of love, mercy, and salvation – with a world in growing need of that bright hope more than ever.
Raj is also a huge sports fan (especially of his Edmonton Oilers, and Dallas Cowboys); he’s passionate about the supernatural and science, loves to travel (especially long road trips with good friends), and is big into physical fitness and martial arts.
One of Raj’s go-to Bible verses is Romans 8:31; because truly, if God is with you, then it doesn’t matter who’s against you…”

Lucas R. Taylor is the Pastor of First Universalist Church, Brooklyn PA
Lucas, born and raised on a dairy farm in Hop Bottom, PA. He went to Mountain View School District and was a 2006 graduate. He attended Keystone College in La Plume, PA, and earned a B.S. in Teaching: Child and Society, with a minor in Psychology in 2010.
Lucas is the part minister at the First Universalist Church, Brooklyn PA. This is his home church, where he grew up in Sunday School and Vacation bible school. He has attended from when he was christened at the church in October 1988 until present. He currently holds a full-time career at Keystone College in Institutional Advancement/Alumni/Community Relations. Lucas has worked at Keystone College since August 2010. Lucas has studied and taught around the world in places like Greece, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, and the United Kingdom.
Lucas has high energy for human and community development, he hopes to be full of grace and faithfulness within his congregation, church, and community to make a better world for all people.

Rev James (“Jim”) Egbert has been a member of the CUA since 2013. Jim received a BA from Hofstra University and a JD Degree from St. John’s University in Queens New York. He received a certificate IN Education For Ministry from the University of the South School of Theology, Swanee Tennessee and additional education in the CUA Ordination Program. Jim was ordained by the UCA in 2015. He received Clinical Pastoral Education from Jefferson Health System and additional training at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania where he worked as a Chaplain from 2015 through 2021. Currently, he serves as a Chaplain at Grand View Hospital in Bucks County Pennsylvania. Jim was a member of the Board of Directors from 2016 and Board Chair beginning in January 2020 until December 2022 when, pursuant to CUA By-Laws he relinquished his position on the Board. He was renominated to serve beginning in 2024. Jim lives in Lansdale Pennsylvania and enjoys spending time with wife and family and sailing on Chesapeake Bay.

John Bettencourt was raised in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California, where he grew close to the Lord at a young age. He served over 20 years in the US Army and Coast Guard as an officer and helicopter pilot, and holds a Masters degree in Strategic Intelligence. Since he retired from the service in 2015, he has held senior management roles in the air medical transport and healthcare industries. As his career has taken him to several locations around the world and US, he has served in local churches as a deacon and led missions, youth, and homeless ministries. John is passionate about the theology of ultimate reconciliation and the beautiful unifying message of Christian Universalism. He and his wife of 25 years now reside in Alabama.